About Sarah

Sarah Venables
Registered Physiotherapist
I am British by birth, spent all my childhood in South Africa, moved to the UK where I studied Physiotherapy and have lived in the UK, Thailand, New Zealand and moved to Australia in June 2013! My husband, I and our two teenage children have made Cleveland home where we plan to “live happily ever after….”.
I have been teaching Pilates and Physiotherapy Clinical Exercise Classes in the UK, New Zealand and Australia for over 19 years. My background in physiotherapy is the backbone of my teaching style and clinical application of exercises.
My UK physiotherapy experience includes sports injuries, paediatrics, cardiovascular, neurology and both adult and paediatric rheumatology. I have always been sporty, fit and healthy, until…. I had my first child 20 years ago. I struggled with pelvic and lower back instability throughout the pregnancy and needed back surgery after her birth. This started my passion for Pilates and Physiotherapy Clinical Exercise as I learnt how to hold my body together.
It took time, but 3 years later I went back and did it all again! This time my pelvis was so much better and my recovery post pregnancy was really quick, thanks to continuing with appropriate targeted exercise! Physiotherapy Clinical Exercise continues to be an important part of maintaining my stable pelvis and lower back.

Why Choose Pilates With Sarah?

Taught by a Registered Physiotherapist

Health Fund Rebates for Physiotherapy Classes apply

Maximum of 10 Participants in a Class

"Hands on" Clinical Based Teaching Style

Beginner and Intermediate Levels