



Term 1  Classes:

All Term 1 classes are full. Please send me an email if you would like me to let you know when bookings for Term 2 classes open.


Bookings Registered Physiotherapist Icon

Registered Physiotherapist

All Classes are taught by a Registered Physiotherapist with an experienced background in Clinical Pilates and Exercise
Bookings Initial Consultation Icon

Initial Consultation

Ensures classes allow for individual adaptation of exercises in a class setting

Bookings Annual Review Icon

Annual Review

Once you start attending classes, you will be offered a complimentary annual review appointment
Bookings Health Fund Rebates Icon

Health Fund Rebates

Please see Health Funds page for details on claiming class benefits through your Health Fund
BEGINNER10 Clients/ Class
DayTimeClass LevelDatesWeeksPriceAvailable
Monday9:50-10:45 AMBeginner10 Feb- 31 Mar8$260FULL
Thursday6:00 - 6:55 PMBeginner13 Feb-03 Apr8$260FULL
INTERMEDIATE (Evening Classes)10 Clients/ Class
DayTimeClass LevelDatesWeeksPriceAvailable
Monday5:00 – 5:55 PMEquipment20 Jan- 14 Apr13$422.5FULL
Monday6:00 – 6:55 PMOov20 Jan- 14 Apr13$422.5FULL
Monday7:00 – 7:55 PMEqiupment20 Jan- 14 Apr13$422.5FULL
Tuesday5:30 – 6:25 PMOov21 Jan- 15 Apr13$422.5FULL
Tuesday6:30 – 7:25 PMEquipment21 Jan- 15 Apr13$422.5FULL
Tuesday7:30 – 8:25 PMOov21 Jan- 15 Apr13$422.5FULL
INTERMEDIATE (Day Classes)10 Clients/ Class
DayTimeClass LevelDatesWeeksPriceAvailable
Monday8:45 – 9:40 AMEquipment03 Feb- 31 Mar9$292.5FULL
Tuesday9:30 – 10:25 AMEquipment28 Jan- 01 Apr10$325FULL
Tuesday10:35 – 11:30 AMOov28 Jan- 01 Apr10$325FULL
Thursday8:30 – 9:25 AMOov30 Jan- 03 Apr10$325FULL
Thursday9:35 – 10:30 AMEquipment30 Jan- 03 Apr10$325FULL
Friday8:30 - 9:25 AMEquipment31 Jan- 04 Apr10$325FULL
Friday9:35 – 10:30 AMOov31 Jan- 04 Apr10$325FULL
Friday10:40 – 11:35 AMEasier Mat31 Jan- 04 Apr10$325FULL


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All clients who book a class will be contacted to schedule a required 30-minute initial consultation. This will cost $110.

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Once you start attending classes, you will be offered a complimentary annual review appointment.

Please see the Health Funds Rebates page for more details on claiming rebates through your Health Fund.

Pilates with Sarah Charges
Health Fund Code - Physiotherapy
Initial Physiotherapy Consultation to join a Clinical Exercise Class
$110/ 30 Minutes
INTERMEDIATE Clinical Exercise Class Consultation (10 clients/ class)
$32.50/ ClassP561
BEGINNER Clinical Exercise Class Consultation (10 clients/ class)
$32.50/ ClassP561

Beginner Classes

Start right at the basics with Pelvic Floor and Transverse Abdominus (Deep Core) activation. Progressing to shoulder girdle stability, activation of Oblique Abdominal and Gluteal muscles and also posture correction. We work on flexibility, once you have learned to stabilise correctly. You are issued with a Beginners Book, which includes details of all exercises covered and a weekly “Home Work” Plan.

Intermediate Classes

Build on Beginner Concepts. We use small equipment for part of the lesson and classes rotate equipment used each term.

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Mat and Swiss Ball

Additional focus on symmetry and Scapular/ neck stability.

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Mat and Foam Roller

Additional Oblique muscle/ core balance focus.
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Mat with Posture specific focus

Assessment of posture types. Use of Balance pad and foot sliders.
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Mat and Pilates Circle

Additional focus on Gluteal strength, shoulder girdle and pelvic stability.
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Intermediate Mat

Build on Beginner Exercises. Easier and slower paced than Intermediate Equipment classes.

Why Choose Pilates With Sarah?

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Taught by a Registered Physiotherapist

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Health Fund Rebates for Physiotherapy Classes apply

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Maximum of 10 Participants in a Class

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"Hands on" Clinical Based Teaching Style

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Beginner and Intermediate Levels

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Handbooks Accompanying Beginner Courses